How To Deal With Propaganda And Misinformation In A Time of Media Influence And Domination
“Be the keeper of your own gate of information. Invest a brief moment of research to verify anything suspicious or outrageous… Every human being has the ability of choice and the faculty of imagination and analysis. That is what makes man a divine creature. One has to be alert and aware to be able to feed on the right stuff.”
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CAVEAT: Beware of Those Impersonating Others For Fraudulent Purposes:
“If someone dangles an opportunity before you on how to make some quick easy money using my name as the attorney, representative, or party, please be informed in advance that it is not true. This may be the case with others whose names may be subject to the same unauthorized abuse like mine, but I can only speak for myself.”
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O You America!
“In your glory, forget not the balance of responsibility, Even as you lead the march on freedom’s lane.”
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The Place of Peace in A Conflicting Universe
“One does not have to seek true peace outside the self for it is inherent in soul, but one certainly has to work to triumph over the challenges of the physical universe in other to rediscover and reconnect with that state of peace which transcends the physical…”
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I Start Me A New Beginning
I Start Me A New Beginning A Poem On New Year Resolutions And The Journey Ahead ——————————— Seeking to know and learn some more I still have ways that I must travel Grateful and thankful in many ways I remain humbled by more to learn Though exhausting it seems at times Defeated and beaten down
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