(On Independence Of The USA)
O you America, home of the brave,
Guided on all corners, day and night,
By the Lord’s armor of immortal soldiers,
Gallant men of daring feat and chivalry,
In robes of light and stripes of white,
Crowned in stars and fed in spirit.
Though your foes your surface scratch,
They never shall touch your heart within.
O you America, land of the free,
Your Star Spangled Banner ever waves,
Cheerfully over the terrace of love,
Where all together strive to freely live,
In peace and harmony of brotherhood,
Saluting your symbol of freedom won,
The ever so standing ‘Old Glory’
Of a nation indivisible under God.
O you America, country of God,
In whom we trust, and have our being.
A land rescued by heaven’s hand,
Richly blessed with men and women,
Of color and races variously made,
With talents and wealth equally given.
Even though some may think you foe,
You America, will always be loved.
In your glory, forget not the balance of responsibility,
Even as you lead the march on freedom’s lane.
Oliver O. Mbamara
Poems of Freedom ©
(Sept. 2002 (July 2014) All Rights Reserved
For more about Oliver click to see his BIOGRAPHY
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Oliver O. Mbamara @Kele, there are many of such words for Nigeria…Today is for USA!
Oliver O. Mbamara Sure thing…there’s something for Nigeria’s October 1st. Thank you.
Rose Joseph O beatiful poem, thanks again for sharing your talent, Happy 4th of July…..
Your creative flourish shines through, again, with this first rate poem on America.…See More
Eric Chifunda Beautiful poem Oliver. Well crafted….. the Soul and Spirit of America comes forth vividly in your poetry.. Mucho Kudos!!!!!
Princess Worldbeat I second what Eric stated…Well Done tribute for America’s Bday
Andrew Okechukwu Obaze · 10 mutual friends
since u said ur love is true
My lugguage is packed am flying today…See More
@Chido: Thank you so much for your kind words and generous wishes.
Blessings and merry holiday!
@Andrew: Nice response. Funny but quite creative – keep it up.
In robes of light and stripes of white,
Crowned in stars and fed in spirit.…See More
Brendan Dalton Ollie, I am sorry it took so long for me to read this, ……. but I’m glad I did.
Henry A. Street Very well done! I’m recovering from a triple by-pass! Keep writing! Loved it!
Many blessings and best wishes in your recovery.
Rita Scholl Henry, get better, do what the docs say, and you’ll be right as rain again. Rita
Favour Amarachi Bro oli, ur reputation speaks 4 u, am so delighted on dat poem, but i wish u use Nigeria 2 compose 1. How are u doing? Hv a blisful moment!
Stella Azie love, love, love it. All we need is to turn into a song and the rest as they say will be history.
Oliver O. Mbamara Thank you Stella Azie. Waiting to hear the song.
Moses Adedeji Oliver I’m a proud Nigerian anywhere anytime any day. Nigeria is a great country, giant of Africa. Nigeria a light to Africa continent,economy hub of Afica, a star to recon with. Nigerians are most intelligent people in the whole world. Nigeria is not…See More
Moses Adedeji Speaking about Nigeria my country, Citizens of Nigeria are the most successful people in the whole world. Spiritually, any mega penticostal church anywhere in the world Nigerians are behind it. The biggest African churches are own by nigerians, Redeem …See More
Moses Adedeji I will let the whole world know that Nigeria is a blessed country no amount of negative campaign against my country will succeed,no amount of harassment against nigerians anywhere in the world will succeed. I’m a Nigerian anyway.
Da Hills you guys ar truely my people..nigeria is a beautiful country wt beautiful people…lets do a movie with beautiful nija..
Da Hills ok i wl already doing something about it..trust me but na u go direct the movie oo! lol
Mike Adeniyi Brilliant and patriotic. God bless America! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXLQ2RPLO78