Beyond Ebola
Beyond Ebola, Media Ratings, Political Spins, & The Epidemic of Fear Versus Humanity – by Oliver Oscar Mbamara Once a while in life and human history, an event of global proportion occurs. From the most developed to the underdeveloped countries, no human community is immune from disasters whether natural or man-made. From the US 2005
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Nigerian Centenary Achievement Award 2014
Nigeria Centenary USA – NCUSA‘s photo. – October 2 at 8:26pm · May I express my gratitude and appreciation to Nigerians and the organizers of the Nigeria Centenary Celebration in USA for considering me worthy of the “Nigeria Centenary Achievement Award.” I am indeed humbled and even more encouraged to continue contributing my own quota towards the
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Radioactive Waste, Pollution, & Electromagnetic Exposure
Radioactive Waste, Pollution, & Electromagnetic Exposure: A Call For Awareness Programs and Effective Management – by Oliver Oscar Mbamara Interestingly during the recent surge of mobile business in modern developing countries such as in many African countries, telecom companies offered people (and some still offer) tempting sums to mount their towers in people’s lands. Most
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