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- Mar 4
O You America (From The American Within)
O you America, home of the brave,
Guided on all corners, day and night,
By the Lord’s armor of immortal soldiers,
Gallant men of daring feat and chivalry,
In robes of light and stripes of white,
Crowned in stars and fed in spirit.
Though your foes your surface scratch,
They never shall touch your heart within.
O you America, land of the free,
Your Star Spangled Banner ever waves,
Cheerfully over the terrace of love,
Where all together strive to freely live,
In peace and harmony of brotherhood,
Saluting your symbol of freedom won,
The ever so standing ‘Old Glory’
Of a nation indivisible under God.
O you America, country of God,
In whom we trust, and have our being.
A land rescued by heaven’s hand,
Richly blessed with men and women,
Of color and races variously made,
With talents and wealth equally given.
Even though some may think you foe,
You America, will always be loved.
In your glory, forget not the balance of responsibility,
Even as you lead the march on freedom’s lane.
©Oliver O. Mbamara – Poems of Freedom © Sept. 2002 (July 2014)
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